Jul 25, 2019

Two Swallows

watercolor painting of swallows 水彩で描くツバメ

I love Winsor & Newton's french ultramarine blue. It's warm blue and shines on paper. I usually use Holbein's ultramarine blue deep and light, which are of good quality with reasonable price. Other colors used are cobalt blue, raw sienna, burnt sienna, quinacridone red and perylene maroon.

Peregrine Falcon

watercolor painting of peregrine falcon 水彩で描くハヤブサ

~ postcard watercolor painting :-)  strathmore watercolor paper ~

Jul 6, 2019

European Goldfinch

watercolor painting of goldfinch 水彩で描くゴシキヒワ

I guess it is my faster, rough painting that is actually the way of painting I like, on a postcard sized Sounders Waterford paper. After all, I like this paper.
I used Raphael's kaerell synthetic brush #8204 for the first time and had a good feeling with it; soft hairs for synthetic but durable so I don't have to care too much about brush being damaged.
